Val Adams-Prime

A tenacious programmer, business woman, and excellent communicator with the ability to explain software at the highest and lowest levels. I can program independently without guidance but I also have a natural talent for leadership in groups of all sizes


Software Engineering Team Lead


I managed a team of 5 engineers ranging from Eng II to Senior II, collaborated with data scientists, analysts, architects, and project managers to drive business value by automating systems that helped Carvana minimize cost per unit with many cross-team projects. As Team Lead of the Underwriting Platform at Carvana I was responsible for all the code that made it into production for the backend tooling that validated a customers eligibility for purchasing a vehicle. This meant integrating with over 105 endpoints, from predictive modeling, finance, and transactions. We packaged up the data neatly for a customer representative to review in a React based webtool and validate before submitting “green” service bus messages to the teams responsible for vehicle delivery.(C#, SQL, Azure DevOps, Cosmos, Kafka)

The primary business goal for the Verifications Group was to minimize cost per unit: this is the total cost to the company for each purchase that is made. The secondary goal of the Verifications Group was to create an intuitive csm experience to minimize time per order and increase user satisfaction with our internal tools.

Here are projects I contributed extensively to:

Cosigner at Covana: Increase a buyer’s access to purchase a car at Carvana by 10-25% depending on the state. This required extensive cross team collaboration from the Underwriting Platform. Ad for Feature:

Pay At Order: $22 CPU (cost per unit) reduction My Role was as Technical Lead for the Verifications group- created the diagram for cross team feature integration where all assigned work would derive from. Enabled our system to withdraw funds at the time of purchase rather than at delivery.

MARTA: Massachusetts RTA form automation Metric: $15 CPU (cost per unit) reduction My Role: Technical Lead on this smaller project that had a high impact. This was the automation of an incredibly information dense form required by the state of Massachusetts for buyers and sellers to fill out that we were able to automate and make only a few clicks. I assisted in design, implementation and testing of the form automation.

Paystub Surveys: Led the re-architecture of a C# Monolith which enabled the Verifications Group the ability to create modular automated wizards for technically complicated customer advocate requests.

April 2022 - November 2022

XR Software Engineering Team Lead


Engineering VR and AR applications for the HoloLens, Oculus Quest, and mobile in Unity and leading a team of 10 other engineers and designers across 3 different products. I worked hands on in internal multiplayer libraries that were used across our products as well as custom rendering for Hololens and Oculus Quest. Creating intuitive UI, funneling live data and normalising data from devices to be displayed in real time to users to interact with. I also coached and provided feedback on pull requests for engineers across teams as well as set goals for both our team as well as goals for each individual engineer (C#, Unity Engine, Git, HLSL)

September 2021 - April 2022

Software Engineer


My role at Apriva comprises of working with multiple C# and Java repositories for creating custom solutions for payment processing. I write and design .NET Core API's and services. I work in multiple SQL databases to debug errors, and write stored procedures. We use a mix of both Git and SVN. Here I have experience using Azure and .NET tools and Jira for project management. (C#, SQL, Java, JavaScript)

September 2020 - September 2021

Software Consultant

Man On The Moon Studio

Co-Founder of an independent game and software development company that is responsible for Virtual reality shooters such as Beware of the Swarm, iot streaming robot Twitchy (aka Clampy), the Speed of Arts virtual music room and Qute Code. I've worked with large and small businesses on Medical VR Simulations, small databases, multiplayer mobile Unity games, VTuber models and Unity environments for real-time streaming as well as Augmented reality prototypes for memory retrieval.
Notable Projects: Barrow Neurosurgery VR Spine Surgery Simulation, Clean Cart, Memory Spaces, Wayward Explorers.
Currently providing software consulting on a contract basis.

January 2017 - Present

Software Developer

Visual Live

As an engineer at Visual Live I was responsible for integrating Azure Spatial Anchors and Cosmos DB into the existing application to create object persistence across devices allowing a person on an Android device to move an object and that same object to move on Hololens and IOS. All existing tools and functionality of the app also needed to work the same ie: Scaling, Rotation, Loading, Locking, and Two Point Placement. This required a tremendous amount of testing and trial and error before releasing the change. This was an incredibly popular feature with our user base and contributed to the valuation of Visual Live when they were acquired by Unity and merged in Reflect.

January 2020 - March 2020

VR Developer

ASU Acoustic Ecology Lab

I lead a team developing a VR application in Unity (C#) with custom audio filters for the Oculus Quest. The focus for this product was to create an experience that was akin to experiencing hearing loss for the first time. We also developed a product that transported the user to different locations in the world akin to google maps but then provided realistic immersive audio to match the users selected experience

August 2019 - January 2020

Microsoft Technical Support

Education at Work

Debugged user issues as they occurred using LMI to remotely resolve problems with Microsoft products

March 2019 - August 2019

AR Software Developer


Developed an MVP for a social networking/ AR geolocation startup app using Unity (C#) and Java. This MVP was largely like the popular geocaching apps of the time. Using google apis to determine a users location and populating their environment with objects placed by other users that they could interact which much like a scavenger hunt

January 2019 - August 2019

Software Developer

Expotech Inc

I developed Unity 3D video games and training applications in the C# language. One of which was an augmented reality application utilizing Leap Motion sensors and Open CV. Developed websites in Javascript and HTML with data visualization with D3 libraries. Created online learning software applications with a Vue.js front end, Feathers.js authentication and MongoDB. Designed original artwork, logos, and visuals in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for each application. Throughout my contributions as a developer and web designer I also took on leadership roles that comprised of a lot of Project Management duties, leading meetings with clients, and running weekly SCRUM meetings
February 2018 - December 2018

Project Manager

Benchmark Printing & Design

I generated quotes, work orders, and PO's for current jobs. I handled invoicing, purchasing and accounts receivable. I manage shipments and couriers for outgoing jobs. I provide all bindery work and printing for black and white jobs. I also provide collating, filing, and some light IT and design work.

July 2017 - March 2018

Technical Administrative Assistant


Sent service account invoices, wrote work orders for small jobs through the Computer Ease program as well as managing phones and incoming invoices. I was also tasked with maintaining a spreadsheet database for monthly streetlight maintenance. In addition to this I also handled all incoming mail, job applications, hour confirmation for payroll, workers compensation and certificate of insurance requests as well as keeping our own certificates up to date. Filing and organizing important paperwork both digitally and physically. I also provided light IT support when needed.

January 2015 - July 2017

Customer Support Representative

APAC Customer Services

While at APAC Customer service I was a star player under the Express Scripts project. Answered inbound calls regarding patient's medical coverage and eligibilty for medication in addition to helping them order medication in long term supplies. It required the ability to take medical jargon and explain it in a way so that anyone who called in could fully understand what their coverage was.

September 2012 - November 2014


Arizona State University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science & Engineering

GPA: 3.23

August 2017- May 2020

Northern Arizona University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science & Engineering

GPA: 3.75

August 2016 - May 2017

University of Arizona

Bachelor of Arts

GPA: 3.50

August 2009 - May 2012

Mingus Union High School

High School Diploma

GPA: 3.89

August 2005 - May 2009


Programming Languages & Tools
More Proficiencies
  • Unity 3D Engine
  • Adobe CC: Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Premiere
  • OOP: C#, Python, Java, C++
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • IOT: Arduino, Raspbery Pi
  • Modeling: 3DS Max, Mudbox
  • Animation: MotionBuilder, Sprite Studio



Augmented Reality Gun Training Application built into Gun Club Game System
Gun Club Shot Detection Video Games
Gun Club Shot Detection Video Games
Kids and Young Adult Educational Video Game
"Cycles" Extra Credits Game Jam Video Game
2D SciFi MMORPG for Kids
The Great Catsby Global Game Jam 2020 Video Game
NASA + Ludum Dare 2020 Video Game
Katamari Damacy Style Game Jam Video Game
2D Quest Driven Video Game

Shader Development

HLSL Shaders from scratch in Monogame/XNA + Skyboxes
HLSL Shaders from scratch in Monogame/XNA + Unity Shaders from Scratch


LMS Developed + Animations made for Financial Literacy

3D Modeling & Animation

3D Modeling and animation in Mudbox + 3DS Max
3D humanoid Modeling and animation in 3DS Max


Apart from being a software developer, I enjoy costuming, photography, video games, travel, and building robots.

I am very much a Renaissance woman in that I enjoy picking up new hobbies, skills, and businesses whenever I have a spare moment. This can range between dedicating my evenings to learning a new programming language to a weekend of sewing ball gowns.